I saw an Angel this morning…

10 03 2011

I saw an Angel this morning.  He sat down at the foot of my bed and began rubbing my feet.  I felt overwhelming sensations of inner peace and gratitude.  My inner peace and her gratitude for all the love and faith we Humans are exhibiting as we pass through the greatest challenge of trust that we have ever had to experience. 

 She spoke to me of the troubled times the Planet Earth will be encountering over the next few years and the days of great Harmony, Peace and Oneness to be experienced.  The picture that traveled through my mind as He spoke was not a pretty one.  We have much upheaval, chaos, turmoil and loss of faith in the current system that dominates our society and way of life.  Everything we depend on externally will be falling away…so that we can grow more independently and trust ourselves and the yet unseen powers around us to be our foundation and support.   

 In order to perserver through these next few years…we must go within for our answers.  It is the dependence on our own personal powers and the faith that we are loved and supported by a Higher Consciousness that will take us through the troubled times into the bright light of a World without greed, animosity, fear, control and separateness.

 I have seen this new World we are heading toward…it is well worth facing all the challenges we have in front of us.  Imagine your wildest dreams…personally and globally…and you will not even come close to what is awaiting us. 

 I have been given the task to urge each of you to take a different stance.  Place your focus and attention onto the Light that shines all around you.  If challenges come your way…ask within for the answer that will take you beyond this challenge.  If sadness or sorrow bogs you down…turn your heart upward and ask for an infusion of Joy and clarity of purpose to come to you.  If fear filters into your life….face it head-on.  Ask it for the information it holds for your enlightenment.  Be willing to go beyond what you see with your eyes and mind to the truth behind every situation, interaction or event.  This truth lies within your Solar Plexus which houses….Your Soul Self.

 You have “blueprinted” yourself to be here on this Planet at this particular moment in time.  You knew that you were to come and be a part of our Planet’s transformation into the next dimension…you need not be confused about your planetary purpose…it is to Be here and Be your truth.  Even if your mind is unsure of what your truth is…your Soul has the answers.  Reach deep within and ask for the answers to all of your questions…then quiet your mind so that you can HEAR what you have written in your Soul’s blueprint while still in Spirit form.

 It is through TRUST that we will pass beyond the density of struggle and challenge.  It will take each of us to see beyond the current events and know that everything is in great perfection….even the chaos.  Our new World is one of LOVE, HARMONY, GREAT PEACE AND ENLIGHTED AWARENESS.  Trust that this path we have embarked on is supported by LIGHT and you are supported by LOVE.

 We have completed  90% of this journey we began eons of time ago…we have come so far and worked so hard…the only possibility available to us is to complete our destiny.  Trust that you are strong enough, powerful enough and loved enough to make a difference in this transformation.  Trust yourself enough to BE the powerful BEING OF LIGHT that you are!



One response

30 12 2011
SurvivalMom says

Interesting article! We are such positive creatures if we choose to be! =)

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